The Northern Lights (General Maxwell Jones)

Code Name: The Northern Lights
Real Name: General Maxwell Jones
Age: 50 years old
Height: 6’0″
Weight: 200 lbs
Affiliation: E.P.T. & original Sinless Society member

The General can shoot white-hot beams of concentrated light (dubbed as “The Northern Lights”) out of his hands and he can fly.

General Maxwell Jones is the younger twin brother of The Element, AKA Sue Stone. He is the leader of the E.P.T. (Enhanced Person Task Force) which is a branch of the military that was established after the attack on the School for Enhanced Children caused the Sinless Society to split apart. Maxwell tries to live on honoring the memory of his late wife, Janet (code name: Ruby), after her unfortunate death during the aforementioned attack and the mistake he made after her death. The E.P.T. now tracks down enhanced people and other related entities that are considered to be a threat to the entire population, with Black Out and his Executioners among the top of that list. But even higher on that list is Johnny Adams and the A.E.L. (Anti-Enhanced Legacy), the hate group responsible for the attack on the school and whose sole purpose is to exterminate all enhanced people. The A.E.L. themselves serve an unknown evil that has yet to be revealed.

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