Code Name: Blitzkrieg
Real Name: Johnny Surge
Age: 22 years old
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 170 lbs
Affiliation: N/A
Powers: Are super speed and can sense and track kinetic energy like a blood hound.
Bio: Blitzkrieg aka Johnny Surge Blitzkrieg went to school with Camouflage, Cinder Block, and tech at the school for Enhanced children when the attack happened they all was in the 5th grade 4 years after the attack is when the rivalry between Blitzkrieg and the stone Brothers started. So when Blitzkrieg had a chance to join the E.P.T (Enhanced Person Task Force) when he graduates he turn them down and went to South Haven to be it’s hero and he did it alone. Couple years go by and the A.E.L (Anti Enhanced Legacy) attack the Enhanced people celebration with a boom powered by demonic energy that kills his girlfriend Caroline when this happens he decides to join the new Sinless Society to avenge his girlfriend and take out those responsible.